Sunday, January 26, 2020

Genre Research Blog: Two more genres

      Besides the drama genre, there are two more genres I would like to talk about. The horror and adventure genre. I can't really make out what the film I decided on would be categorized under. But I think the adventure genre is the closest I could come to. I also decided on researching the horror genre just in case I decide to go in that direction. It also wouldn't hurt to implement some aspects of the genre when filming. The first thing I would like to discuss about the genres are the common camera angles. Common camera angles in the adventure genre include aerial, long, and tracking shots. These shots are used to immerse the viewer in the world the characters are exploring.
     Common Mis-en-scene of the adventure genre includes costumes, makeup, and props. I would these are the most important mis-en-scene in the adventure genre. This is because they are very important when building a character you want someone to get immersed by in the world they're exploring. Common editing techniques used in the adventure genre include cross-cutting, graphic-match, and jump cuts. All of these techniques are used to establish smooth transitions between places in the world of the film. Elements of the adventure genre include storytelling, lore, and a rich world. Elements of the genre I like are those very things, I like how you get invested in the world. Then there is the stuff I dislike. Elements of the genre I dislike arise from the very same things, it may get a bit taxing depending on how much you need to invest.
     Common camera angles of the horror variety include close-ups, eye-level shots, and dutch angles. These are used to induce tension in the viewer. Common mis-en-scene of the genre include costumes, lighting, makeup, and sound. All of these are used to create a disturbing experience for the viewer. Common editing of the horror genre includes cross-cutting, reaction shots, and jump cuts. These are used to disorient the viewer and increase eerieness. Elements of the genre include jump scares, suspense, gore, or things that are just graphic. I don't enjoy the genre too much, but the elements I do like are the feelings of disturbance they can instill. Elements of the genre I don't like is pretty much everything else, a lot of the elements feel too cliche in the film.

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